Your cycle is regular monthly, so choosing the right food and eating at the right time is important. Know how to keep energy, enjoy relaxation by eating the following foods at certain stages of the cycle
JAV Mature Woman .
Days 1-5: Nymphs
These days, women become especially sensitive. Magnesium-rich foods like spinach, cereals and Omega-3 fatty acids like salmon, sardines, nuts, etc. will help keep you mentally stable.
Day 6-13: Vegetables
The increased amount of hormones in the body helps prevent you from stress, so you find yourself easier to eat, more delicious. This is a time to give the body lots of vegetables and fruits.
Days 14-17: Lobster
All your senses operate at a higher level, including your sense of taste. Indulge your gourmet with food like cheese, lobster, beef and fine wine.
18-23: Broccoli
As progesterone levels peak, intestinal activity slows down. At this time, high fiber foods like rice, barley and vegetables will eliminate constipation while maintaining energy for the body.